
Data Visualization with Python – Plotly & Dash

Learn everything you need to start creating awesome dashboards for your data!

You will learn how to create awesome dashboards using Plotly and Dash. The result will be a multipage interactive dashboard to help you monitor a stocks portfolio. The main goal is to give you the right tools to help you build any dashboard you need, or simply adapt existing ones! No coding experience is required.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


You will learn how to create awesome dashboards using Plotly and Dash. The result will be a multipage interactive dashboard to help you monitor a stocks portfolio. The main goal is to give you the right tools to help you build any dashboard you need, or simply adapt existing ones! No coding experience is required.

This is an end-to-end project. This means I will guide you through all the steps and show you how you can adapt the code to your own needs.
Below you can find a high-level summary of what we will cover in over 4 hours of content:

Data Preparation and Scraping



You will be able to

And much more: background colors, dark themes, multiple callbacks, multiple outputs, graph height and width, rows and columns, dash layout, bootstrap components, plotly express, plotly graph objects, dropdowns, custom labels, html components, plotly indicators, candlestick graphs, scatter plots, bar charts…