Using the Stock Market to Build Wealth
Some people avoid stocks because they fear that stock prices are too volatile and unpredictable. Others are lured to the stock market by the ill-conceived notion that riches are there for the taking—that they can buy a stock right before the price leaves the launchpad. This fanciful dream is aided and abetted by get-rich-quick gurus peddling fantasies. Both are wrong. Get-rich-quick schemes generally fail precisely because it is very difficult to make accurate predictions of the constant zigs and zags in stock prices. However, there is a better way to invest, which does not depend on predicting short-term price movements, and which is far more attractive than bank accounts and cryptocurrencies. The key to using stocks to build wealth is to focus on the income that stocks generate in the long run. This sensible approach is called value investing. I will explain the compelling logic behind value investing and show you how to apply it in practice. I will also explain why other approaches often fail. Don’t day trade. Don’t search for patterns in stock prices. Don’t try to time the market. Don’t be lured into speculative bubbles. Don’t be the Greater Fool. I encourage you to try value investing instead.
What you’ll learn
- Why stocks have done well on the past and are likely to do well in the future.
- Why trying to predict short-term changes in stock prices is nearly impossible.
- How to avoid being the “greater fool”.
- How to spot market bubbles.
- The virtues of value investing.
- Tried-and-true investment benchmarks.
- Simple rules to guide your investing.
Course Content
- Welcome –> 1 lecture • 4min.
- Lecture 1 free sample –> 1 lecture • 1min.
- Lecture 2 free sample –> 1 lecture • 2min.
- Lecture 3 free sample –> 1 lecture • 2min.
- Lecture 4 free sample –> 1 lecture • 2min.
- Lecture 5 free sample –> 1 lecture • 3min.
- A Benevolent Casino –> 1 lecture • 27min.
- Buy Low, Sell High –> 1 lecture • 19min.
- Torturing Data –> 1 lecture • 33min.
- It’s All About the Cash –> 1 lecture • 26min.
- Semi-Efficient Markets –> 1 lecture • 29min.
- Bubble Trouble –> 1 lecture • 25min.
- Investment Benchmarks –> 1 lecture • 27min.
- NonEvents –> 1 lecture • 22min.
- Fundamentally Foolish –> 1 lecture • 27min.
- KISS –> 1 lecture • 23min.
Some people avoid stocks because they fear that stock prices are too volatile and unpredictable. Others are lured to the stock market by the ill-conceived notion that riches are there for the taking—that they can buy a stock right before the price leaves the launchpad. This fanciful dream is aided and abetted by get-rich-quick gurus peddling fantasies. Both are wrong. Get-rich-quick schemes generally fail precisely because it is very difficult to make accurate predictions of the constant zigs and zags in stock prices. However, there is a better way to invest, which does not depend on predicting short-term price movements, and which is far more attractive than bank accounts and cryptocurrencies. The key to using stocks to build wealth is to focus on the income that stocks generate in the long run. This sensible approach is called value investing. I will explain the compelling logic behind value investing and show you how to apply it in practice. I will also explain why other approaches often fail. Don’t day trade. Don’t search for patterns in stock prices. Don’t try to time the market. Don’t be lured into speculative bubbles. Don’t be the Greater Fool. I encourage you to try value investing instead.