
Value Investing With Fundamental Analysis – DCF Valuation

Find the fair value of any stock with DCF Valuation – Value Investing with Fundamental and Financial Modeling with DCF

Gain the ability  to invest in stocks using DCF Valuation model based on fundamental and technical analysis.
You will learn how to calculate a fair value of any stock. Invest when the current value if less than it’s fair value. It’s that simple!

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Gain the ability  to invest in stocks using DCF Valuation model based on fundamental and technical analysis.
You will learn how to calculate a fair value of any stock. Invest when the current value if less than it’s fair value. It’s that simple!

DCF also known as the Discounted Cash Flow Valuation model is used by Top Finance Institutions. Fortune companies use it to acquire new businesses, Raise more capital and invest in projects.

Now you can learn how to create the most professional analysis report of any company using the Institutional Investor Data.

In This Course Will Teach You

This course is designed for common people (retail investors) in mind. There  are plenty of courses for institutional investors but we at IIFPIA focus on retail as they are the most overlooked segment who needs help.

So if you are a student, a working professional or a full time trader / investor, This course will add a vast amount of skill and experience to your life.

The L-I-T Triad Mastery

This course includes Real Life Case Studies where we do the valuation of US and Indian companies stocks for you in Realtime giving you the most previous work experience.

There is no need to fear with the Udemy 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
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We look forward to see you in the course, May this be the best investment decision you make

~ International Institute of Financial Planning and Investment Analysis