
Crack Azure Data Engineering by Interview Preparation Course

Microsoft Azure Data Engineering Interview guide with Azure data factory, Databricks spark pyspark, storage, ADLS,delta

This course helps you clear the concept about Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, Spark, pyspark, Storage account, Devops, Azure integrations and how work happens within the real world in industry.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course helps you clear the concept about Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, Spark, pyspark, Storage account, Devops, Azure integrations and how work happens within the real world in industry.


It will help you to build concept from scratch to the advanced level.

Main focus here is not just the questions but important is the explanations around those concepts.


This course precisely will help you to get prepare for any Azure interview and make you smart enough to answer and crack the job offer.


Here you will get all variety of interview questions like:

1. Beginner level interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

2. Tough  interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

3. Practical  interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

4. Scenarios based  interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

5. Managerial level  interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

6. Integration  level interview Questions and Answers with explanation.

7. Architect level  interview Questions and Answers with explanation.


This course is suitable for all the professionals belongs to

Fresher Level

2-5 yrs Experienced

5-10 yrs Experienced

10-15 yrs Experienced

15-20 yrs Experienced


Majority of the topics included under this course is as follows:

Azure Data Factory

Azure Databricks

Apache Spark


Azure Storage

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Data Lake Storage

Azure Queues

Azure File Share

Azure Tables

Azure Synapse


This course will also helps to the folks who are preparing for following exams like:


