

The OPENING-REIN and the BEARING-REIN: The START of the horse’s education.

If you are on this landing page, your riding instructor has sent you here.  This is good news.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


If you are on this landing page, your riding instructor has sent you here.  This is good news.

This class takes riders through the instructions for the opening and bearing rein actions as directed by the French and USA Cavalry instructions…instructions that have been ‘established by reason and justified by experience”.   We will specifically study, line by line,  the text from the instructions for Section 17:  pages 162 and 163.

Riders who manage and impart this information exactly to their horses will be far ahead of the general population of horsepeople, who tend to simply wing it and ride in relative illiteracy.  YOU will ride properly and conform absolutely to the directives.

The start of the horse’s education (as distinguished from the ‘starting’ or ‘breaking’ period), is initiated by imparting the meaning of the OPENING REIN to him.  This is a one-sided, leading rein action.

Immediately following his understanding of the OPENING REIN, the BEARING REIN action is introduced to him.  This is the outer, corresponding rein.

The outer rein NEVER contradicts the inner rein.  Therefore the rider/trainer must be certain that the HAND AIDS and actions are in precise accordance with the intended meaning of these rein ations, in the context of equitation, or, as is spelled out in the instructions:  the language of sensations.

No more illiteracy and guesswork in the horseworld!  ‘Feel’ is NOT guesswork.  The 4 Natural Aids shall be explained and used uniformly and deliberately.  This is the way real communication and liberty in horsemanship is achieved.  Onward we go.