
Memory Experts’ Tools: The Person-Action (Dominic) System

Learn all about this powerful memory improvement technique used by all memory athletes

What you’ll learn

Course Content




In this course,you will  learn a lot about one of the most important tools in the arsenal of memory experts.The Dominic System is one of the easiest to learn, and for this reason it is used by many people who train their memory, including mental athletes participating in memory competitions.

The creator of the system is Dominic O’Brien, a British mnemonist (eight time World Memory Champion) and an author of memory-related books.   You’ve probably heard about the Dominic system so far, but in this course I’ve been trying to show you more about this technique, along with a lot of examples, so you can fully understand it and apply it to your everyday activities.

This technique  can become your new mnemonic weapon that will help you:

Memory is a sport in which everyone can take part. None of the top competitors would claim to be born with a great memory.

All of them have learnt all the necessary techniques to develop their skills, and have practiced to a high level to get them to the top of the sport.

You can do the same! Why not start today?


I’m sure you will enjoy it and I can’t wait to be your guide and mentor on this exciting new journey!


Chris M Nemo

Memory Improvement Writer& Blogger at The Mnemo Bay